C19DM-Neo4j: COVID-19 Disease Map (MINERVA) - Neo4j

The COVID-19 Disease Map project is a large-scale community-driven scientific effort to explore and better understand molecular mechanisms of COVID-19. The C19DM-Neo4j framework employs the Neo4j graph database to integrate the content of the biological diagrams of the COVID-19 Disease Maps MINERVA diagrams to complement the efforts on data exploration. The C19DM-Neo4j framework is also used to check the quality of the graph-based representation of the integrated mechanisms. The access to the C19DM-Neo4j graph database content can be made via the Cypher query language or via the Java, Python and R programming languages.

To access the Neo4j Browser for the COVID-19 Disease Map (MINERVA). please use the following settings: - Connect URL: neo4j://c19dm-neo4j.lcsb.uni.lu:7687 - Username: neo4j - Password: neofourj


The content of the C19DM-Neo4j graph database is available under the Creative Commons Public Domain (CC0) Licence.


We would be happy to hear from your experience and for feedback. Shall you have any issues/suggestions on this, please contact us by email to irina.balaur@uni.lu.